Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA Associate Teams

  • Title: Uncertainty quantification and numerical simulation of high Reynolds number flows

  • INRIA principal investigator: Pietro Marco Congedo

  • International Partner:

    • Institution: Stanford University (United States)

    • Laboratory: Department of Mechanical Engineering

    • Researcher: Gianluca Iaccarino

  • International Partner:

    • Institution: Stanford University (United States)

    • Laboratory: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    • Researcher: Charbel Farhat

  • Duration: 2011 - 2013

  • See also: http://www.stanford.edu/group/uq/aquarius/index3.html

  • This research project deals with uncertainty quantification and numerical simulation of high Reynolds number flows. It represents a challenging study demanding accurate and efficient numerical methods. It involves the INRIA team BACCHUS and the groups of Pr. Charbel Farhat from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Pr. G. Iaccarino from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. The first topic concerns the simulation of flows when only partial information about the physics or the simulation conditions (initial conditions, boundary conditions) is available. In particular we are interested in developing methods to be used in complex flows where the uncertainties represented as random variables can have arbitrary probability density functions. The second topic focuses on the accurate and efficient simulation of high Reynolds number flows. Two different approaches are developed (one relying on the XFEM technology, and one on the Discontinuous Enrichment Method (DEM), with the coupling based on Lagrange multipliers). The purpose of the proposed project is twofold : i) to conduct a critical comparison of the approaches of the two groups (Stanford and INRIA) on each topic in order to create a synergy which will lead to improving the status of our individual research efforts in these areas ; ii) to apply improved methods to realistic problems in high Reynolds number flow.

  • Within this project, several visits have been done (Pietro Marco Congedo in Stanford during May 2011, Arnaud Krust in Vancouver during june 2011, Per Pettersson (PhD student in Stanford) in Bordeaux at INRIA during july 2011, Gianluca Geraci in Stanford during November 2011, Arnaud Krust in Stanford during November 2011, Catherine Gorle (Post-doc scientist in Stanford) in Bordeaux at INRIA during novembre 2011)

INRIA International Partners

In the context of the MORSE associate team (Matrices Over Runtime Systems at Exascale, see http://icl.cs.utk.edu/projectsdev/morse/overview ) managed by Emmanuel Agullo from HIEPACS team, Pierre Ramet initialized a new collaboration with the Jack Dongara team (see http://icl.cs.utk.edu ). Since the building blocks of sparse direct solvers are dense linear algebra kernels, we envisage to write prototype versions of these solvers on top of PLASMA and MAGMA libraries. This is a preliminary step in order to develop a sparse direct solver suitable for cluster of multi-GPU nodes.

Visits of International Scientists

  • Jianxian Qiu (Xiamen University, China), one week in november

  • Elena Vazquez-Cendon (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), one week in november

  • François Morency (École de Technologie Supérieure, Montréal, Canada) from june to october.

  • Birte Schmidtman (Kaiserslautern, Germany), from march to july 2011.

  • Per Pettersson (PhD student) in Bordeaux at INRIA during july 2011 (2 weeks), funding: AQUARIUS team

  • Catherine Gorle (Post-doc scientist in Stanford) in Bordeaux at INRIA during novembre 2011 (one week), funding: AQUARIUS team